My iPhone Adventure

First, let me say that I love developing applications for the iPhone. What a fun platform! Next, I’d like to announce that my second app just launched! 🙂

WordFlipper is fast-paced word search game for the iPhone. It’s a little different than most iPhone word games because it uses the accelerometer (the thingie that detects motion) as an integral part of the game. I won’t go into all of the details here. I have a special page set up for WordFlipper where you can read all about the game and even watch me and my kids play with it. Drop on by for a look-see! (WordFlipper or grab WordFlipper from iTunes!).

My first app, WriteChain, is a handy tool for writers. You can learn more about it on my writing site How Not to Write (WriteChain). My latest app for the iPhone is a game called WordFlipper.

I’ve really enjoyed my development experience with the iPhone. I’m an old Mac developer from waay back, so it wasn’t a huge leap for me to get onto the platform. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to cooking up a few more apps.

In between the coding, I’ve managed to knock out a fair amount of writing (both online and off). I’ve also tried my hand at another new skill: interviewing. No, not the job sort. I’m talking about journalism (though I’m not sure I can call what I do journalism).

My interviews are running on one of my new websites: iPhonespaz (… and like WordFlipper, it’s a little different from all of the other iPhone sites out there.

On iPhonespaz, we interview people who are crazy about their iPhones. We also write some wild app reviews. It’s been a fantastic experience. I’ve met a ton of great folks from Best-Selling Authors to big-time app developers. It’s a nice juxtaposition to writing code.

[A big shout out to my co-editor at iPhonespaz, Whitney Claire McKim. She rocks. 🙂 ]

I’m not sure where this iPhone adventure will take me, but I like where it’s headed. It feels a lot like web development did back in the mid-nineties. It’s fun and exciting!

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