About Jamie

If you know me, you know that I’m direct, funny, creative, responsible, and unorthodox.

If you don’t know me, here’s your brief introduction… 🙂

  • I generally say what’s on everyone’s mind, but I also know when to keep my mouth shut.
  • I’m technical (like sometimes-I-forget-how-technical-and-people-give-me-funny-looks technical) but I also have a head for business.
  • Though I’m told I look good in a suit, I wear jeans and t-shirts because I believe you pay for the brain and vanity costs extra.
  • I have a strong entrepreneurial drive.
  • I can explain complex ideas and processes in ways that non-technical people can understand. More than once, I’ve been told that I should have been a teacher, which is the highest compliment I can imagine.
  • I write fiction, primarily fantasy and science fiction for kids.
  • I’m a proud father of two wonderful boys and husband to the most amazing woman on earth.

Note: In preceding list, the order of importance is reversed. If you really want to know what matters to me, go through the list again from bottom to top.

Sorry if that makes your head hurt.

More About Me

To see my super duper resume, check out my LinkedIn profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiegrove. There’s a lot of fun stuff there, including my basic philosophy about building websites, managing teams, and being yourself. Check it out and link up!

Want to pitch me on an idea? Try your hand on Twitter in 140 characters or less – @hownottowrite. It’s unfiltered access to my brain, so don’t say you haven’t been warned.

Do you do the Facebook thing? So do I.

Interested in my writing? Come by my personal writing website How Not to Write. The Twitter username makes sense now, doesn’t it?